I will definitely say that Sky Towers is a pretty unique formula. What could have easily been a simple card game to build towers that sum up to 21, is bolstered with the requirements/actions of each card which not only adds a puzzle element to the game but also creates immediate player interaction. On top of that this twist of being able to lose a bonus card to another player is so simple, but it really changes the way you think about working towards these goals.
...Sky Towers is also a little puzzly, a little take that, a little thinky, and a little surprising. And that is a towering achievement on its own.
Jeff Knapp, The Dice Tower
It's not about what objective you go for but 'when'. Sometimes you wait for the end of the game to then to win the objective. And by the way, you can take many of them at the same time, which is cool. Sky Towers is very good at 2 players. It becomes very tactical and very take that it, and we like that.
Fotios, Game Court
It was far more rewarding than I thought. Easy-breezy game that does play more for younger people, but that does not mean that it's not appropriately challenging. If you are into card games, I do recommend checking it out. There is a lot of fun in there for you.
Glenn, Boardgames and Bourbon
I like the scalability in this game. You can definitely jump right in with all the card effects and all the bonus cards, and if you are an experienced gamer you can do that and probably not have any problems. But at the same time if you are paying with younger people or want to experience the slower burn of the game, just choose fewer effects and bonus cards. ... The game does get increasingly more exciting the more bonuses you add and the more effects you add in.
I like when games take another game and double-gamify it. And I felt like this game just took Blackjack and made it for everybody. How can we take Backjack and take the gambling out it? I felt they did that with Sky Towers.
Ryan and Bethany Boardgames