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Whether it's fantasy, the occult, or sci-fi, CoinSides always fit the occasion. They rise to the challenge and go beyond random number generation. Impressive, ingenious, and in your wallet.

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THE DICE // all in one

TEN DICE ::: Roll ten different dice, from a D2 to a D100, with a single two-inch metal spinner. Cyber CoinSides features a D2, D3, D4, D5, braille D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100, and a ton of features.

EASY AND FAST ::: Choose your die, spin it, and stop it with your finger. The first number next to your finger is your result. Just skip any numbers not on your die, like a 7 when rolling a D6. The example below shows a 2 if you rolled a D2 or D4, or a 3 if you rolled a D3, D6, or D12. So what result would a D8 reveal?


FEATURES // multiplied

LIFE COUNTER ::: Track your score, hit points, or rounds as you play your favorite collectible card games, board games, or role playing games. You can track from 1 to 70 using the new Metal Marker. The marker adds 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 to the number it points to, while the Cloth Pouch keeps the spinner locked in.

VARIABLE TIMER ::: Create moments of tension as your team hacks against the clock with the variable timer. Spin the CoinSides as fast - or as slow - as you want. CoinSides can spin from 30 to 120 seconds depending on the table surface... and the spinner's intent 😈


DISCRETELY PORTABLE ::: What really sets CoinSides apart from other novelty dice is portability. Not only can you wear them, but you can carry them in your pocket, purse, or wallet. Use them without looking like you are rolling dice.

CIPHER ::: Encrypt secret messages with your Cyber CoinSides and the included Cloth Pouch. Using a pair of numbers on a D12, have one of the numbers point to the letter you want to encode and read the letter the other number points at. Reverse this process to decode. Invite your RPG group to discover "classified" ways to use the cipher.


WEARABLE ACCESSORY ::: Yes, you could keep the Cyber CoinSides safe and snug in the silkscreen-printed Cloth Pouch provided. Or you could wear them at game conventions and gaming tables. Choose the right CoinSides model and complete your outfit for any occasion. Straps and attachments are not included.

DISPLAY STAND ::: Using the Metal Marker included, you can stand your CoinSides. Choose the best stand modes for your display case (tall or slanted) and show off your whole CoinSides collection.


ONE FOR ALL ::: Multiple people can roll the same CoinSides - at the same time. Perfect for deciding on the first player or turn order. Spin the D12 and on the count of three, all players involved stop the same CoinSides. The lowest number goes first.

FIDGET SPINNER ::: There is a lot to enjoy when using CoinSides as a spinner. Its well-balanced, heavy-weight, solid metal design really makes this product stand out. Discover hidden animations with your smartphone video camera, and share them online.


DECK OPENER ::: Using the Metal Marker (yet again), open shrink-wrapped products quickly and safely. This could be a new deck of cards or all the unopened games you have yet to play!

BONUS DIE ::: Determine if your Roomba is your friend with the GOOD (3), NEUTRAL (2), or EVIL (1) die. So does this mean 11 dice on a CoinSides? Results are applicable to all of your AI-enabled appliances, home printers, and our future robot overlords 🤖


EVERYTHING // included

PRODUCT IMPROVED ::: All models include a CoinSides, a silkscreen-printed velvet drawstring Cloth Pouch, a Metal Marker, instructions, and a large collector's coin case made of hard acrylic. All newly manufactured models will feature improved packaging.

UNIQUELY CONSISTENT ::: All CoinSides have the same dimensions, openings, finish, limited color palette, and high-quality materials and manufacturing. And yet, each CoinSides takes you to another world, another time, and invokes a different feeling. Some have more dice, others have unique features such as hidden animation, a cipher, a compass, or a card suit randomizer, while others glow with dark magic.

RELAUNCH ::: Cthulhu CoinSides (2022) and Classic CoinSides (2021) were successfully funded, fulfilled, and well received. According to backers, "CoinSides is hands-down the best gaming accessory of the year without a doubt." Get a full set of CoinSides into your dice collection. All three CoinSides models are offered as ADD-ONs and include shipping. Add them to your pledge after choosing your reward.



CoinSides are too cool! When I bring them to game day, people can’t stop talking about them. Rolling dice is the past; spinning is the future! - Jay Bernardo, Cardboard East

CoinSides is hands-down the best gaming accessory of the year without a doubt. - Ghost, Superbacker

I wanted to tell you that I think the paper packaging for CoinSides is spectacular and clever, from the folding to the finger print. Great work. - Tim Rogers, Boardwalk Games, Greenville, SC, USA

Imagine fitting a die in your wallet. It looks like a piece of art! - David Joseph Clarke

Just when I thought "no more Kickstarters for me" this came around - Kai

Do I need this? No. Do I want this? Absolutely! - Legends of Nerdvana

Coins and spinning randomizers are my two favorite board game accessories, and it looks like you nailed it. - MyO

Oooo I would have so much fun playing with this! - pudgycatgames

Something new, different, and cool. - Off The Shelf Board Game Reviews

Excellent idea! Compact set of dice in an aesthetically pleasing coin. - bafomain

It looks really cool. I love the design of it. And it looks very fun. - Veselko Kelava

I've never seen anything like it. I would totally use it!!! - Hope For TTRPG's

I just looked it up and it looks amazing! Who would have thought that you can wear a dice as an accessory?! - Ethan Leong, Randomskill Games

I have to tell you that besides being useful, it is also a beautiful object! - dem_loc

I actually think I would use this often as a DM. Since there's already so much to worry about while running a game, I think having just 1 dice would help. - PigeonKillers

They look more convenient than usual dices and you can keep the coin in your wallet! - WendigoWorkshop

That's awesome! Fantastic idea and the coin is beautiful 🤩 - trybsolo

Growing up in the midwest I'm familiar with a variety of trick-takers, and a Coinsides + stand is perfect for indicating which suit is trump for myself and the rest of the table. The idea of such an elegant, all-in-one solution for ALL the genres of games I play made this an instant back! - R. Beechen

As a player that is always carrying my dice around having an all in one -that can even been carried as a pendant!- is a genius idea. I can't wait to put my hands on it! :D - Ryuhoshi

Thank you again for creating Coinsides, and for running one of the best campaigns I've experienced. - Gadgetskopf

My son loves it. He has two weeks of DnD camp coming up and is excited to bring it there after using it in games this year. - G.L


IMAGINATION // sparked

Every CoinSides project has given back to the TTRPG community and this project is no different. The more CoinSides you pledge for, the more indie creators get paid to write exciting modules for your home campaign. Bring your CoinSides to life at the table with seven (and growing) CoinSides Adventure Sparks that feature a coin as the central story element. Download them now for free.

DYSTOPIA // delayed

Thanks to you (awesome backers of my 3 successful campaigns) and other environmental initiatives, we have funded the planting of over 9000 trees. Now more than ever, let's green the planet with pledges. The more CoinSides you pledge for, the more trees we fund. Take it a step further and request your CoinSides without product packaging via the backer survey. And remember cyberkids, surface shipping is the most environmental way to ship.

Press & Media

CoinSides Media Resources for retailer and reviewers.
Classic CoinSides Page 1
Classic CoinSides Page 2


We are a small, independent, game publisher operating from Japan. Every year, we release one or two small games as a Forever Free Print and Play download only, and sometimes as a professionally printed retail copy also. Our Forever Free policy means that gamers who want to try our games, or can't afford our boxed games, can enjoy them... forever. We like to develop games with the help of volunteers, so please join us. We email our subscribers no more than 4 times a year about:
1. New project and releases.
2. Conventions we joined.
3. Design contests we entered.
4. Giveaways.
5. Special offers.

We want to earn the right to communicate with you via email. Your privacy is important to us. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Somos un editor de juegos pequeño e independiente que opera desde Japón. Cada año, lanzamos uno o dos juegos pequeños como una descarga de Forever Free Print and Play únicamente y, a veces, también como una copia comercial impresa profesionalmente. Nuestra política Forever Free significa que los jugadores que quieran probar nuestros juegos, o que no puedan pagar nuestros juegos en caja, pueden disfrutarlos ... para siempre. Nos gusta desarrollar juegos con la ayuda de voluntarios, así que únase a nosotros. No enviamos correos electrónicos a nuestros suscriptores más de 4 veces al año sobre:
1. Nuevo proyecto y lanzamientos.
2. Convenciones a las que nos adherimos.
3. Concursos de diseño en los que participamos.
4. Sorteos.
5. Ofertas especiales.

Queremos ganarnos el derecho a comunicarnos con usted por correo electrónico. Su privacidad es importante para nosotros. Puede darse de baja en cualquier momento.
私たちは、日本で運営されている小さな独立したゲームパブリッシャーです。 1つまたは2つの小さなゲームを、Forever Free Print and Playのダウンロードのみとしてリリースします。また、専門的に印刷された小売コピーとしてリリースすることもあります。 私たちの永遠の無料ポリシーは、私たちのゲームを試してみたい、または私たちの箱入りゲームを買う余裕がないゲーマーがそれらを楽しむことができることを意味します...永遠に。 私たちはボランティアの助けを借りてゲームを開発するのが好きなので、ぜひご参加ください。 サブスクライバーに電子メールを送信するのは、年に4回以内です。

私たちはあなたと電子メールで連絡する権利を獲得したいと思っています。 あなたのプライバシーは私たちにとって重要です。 いつでも退会できます。