Language / 言語 / Idioma

The world has come undone. Recombine it any way you want!

Jump into the ultimate matching game with tactile and tactical elements. Enjoy the crazy-tastic combinations as this mass market matching game remaps your brain.


Always changing. Flip a pair of double sided cards to find matches... BUT DO NOT FLIP THEM BACK after your turn. What did you just flip?

Always fast. Match the pictures to take both cards or the type to take one.

Always involved. At any time, reserve a card that you must flip on your turn.

Always fun. The combinations are hilariously creative.

Play with any of the two sets included or combine all 32 cards.

Suitable for mass market audience. Anyone can play. Not just a kids game.

EX FIRST GAMES has design many fun games in Japan. This whimsical small box game is quick to play and can be a great warm-up or filler game. Although it looks simple ... it is a great way to engage your memory skills to find the cards you need.

Mandy, Merc007

EX1ST GAMES makes games for everyone for free. We are very confident that many of you will like our games. Buy them and try them. Or just try them for free. Help us spread the love of board games around the world. EX1ST GAMESはみんなのためのゲームを無料で作っています。我々は多くの方々が私たちのゲームが好きになるだろうと確信しています。無料で試してください。世界中のボードゲームの愛を広めるのを手伝って下さい。

Review and Testimonials

I played Banana Boy with my kids (4 & 6) and everyone had a blast! This is a really creative spin on memory.

We played with the whole deck, minus the draw-your-own cards. I found it much harder than regular memory to remember what was on the flip side of the cards. Part of that was due to how much fun we had combining the cards before flipping. My kids might be just the right age for the silliness of combining a panda and an airplane, but everyone was laughing each turn. More than the memory aspect, we were all focused on the silly combinations. This was honestly the best part of the game for the kids - whereas memory can be frustrating when a match isn't made, we were smiling whether we made a match or not.


We had a lot of fun and will continue to do so! Lovely little game.

We've only played one game of this as have been busy but it was really good fun. The card names are fun and making the creations aids with remembering what is where. We will definitely play this some more!

Jay, Fields of Carcassonne


We are a small, independent, game publisher operating from Japan. Every year, we release one or two small games as a Forever Free Print and Play download only, and sometimes as a professionally printed retail copy also. Our Forever Free policy means that gamers who want to try our games, or can't afford our boxed games, can enjoy them... forever. We like to develop games with the help of volunteers, so please join us. We email our subscribers no more than 4 times a year about:
1. New project and releases.
2. Conventions we joined.
3. Design contests we entered.
4. Giveaways.
5. Special offers.

We want to earn the right to communicate with you via email. Your privacy is important to us. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Somos un editor de juegos pequeño e independiente que opera desde Japón. Cada año, lanzamos uno o dos juegos pequeños como una descarga de Forever Free Print and Play únicamente y, a veces, también como una copia comercial impresa profesionalmente. Nuestra política Forever Free significa que los jugadores que quieran probar nuestros juegos, o que no puedan pagar nuestros juegos en caja, pueden disfrutarlos ... para siempre. Nos gusta desarrollar juegos con la ayuda de voluntarios, así que únase a nosotros. No enviamos correos electrónicos a nuestros suscriptores más de 4 veces al año sobre:
1. Nuevo proyecto y lanzamientos.
2. Convenciones a las que nos adherimos.
3. Concursos de diseño en los que participamos.
4. Sorteos.
5. Ofertas especiales.

Queremos ganarnos el derecho a comunicarnos con usted por correo electrónico. Su privacidad es importante para nosotros. Puede darse de baja en cualquier momento.
私たちは、日本で運営されている小さな独立したゲームパブリッシャーです。 1つまたは2つの小さなゲームを、Forever Free Print and Playのダウンロードのみとしてリリースします。また、専門的に印刷された小売コピーとしてリリースすることもあります。 私たちの永遠の無料ポリシーは、私たちのゲームを試してみたい、または私たちの箱入りゲームを買う余裕がないゲーマーがそれらを楽しむことができることを意味します...永遠に。 私たちはボランティアの助けを借りてゲームを開発するのが好きなので、ぜひご参加ください。 サブスクライバーに電子メールを送信するのは、年に4回以内です。

私たちはあなたと電子メールで連絡する権利を獲得したいと思っています。 あなたのプライバシーは私たちにとって重要です。 いつでも退会できます。