1) 九条の存在の意義は、日本軍国主義の再起を阻止することにあった。(日)
2) 九条はアジア、オセアニアの国々に安心を与えた。(日、インドネシア)
3) 軍備にお金をかけないことが国の繁栄に繋がることを証明した。(日)
4) 九条は弱者と共に行きる社会の夢と希望を語り続けてきた。(米、日)
5) 我々は平等の市民権を持っているが、軍事予算の増大によって権利を侵害されている。(米、日)
6) もし日本に九条が無く、代わりに徴兵制があったら、わが子は戦場に駆り出されていただろう。(日)
7) 戦争をしないという憲法を持っているからこそ、自衛隊もNGOも発展途上国でおおむね歓迎され、 安全に活動できた。(日)
8) アメリカの違法な戦争に加担するために改憲に流されては世界の信用を失う。(日)
9) 世界は九条に倣うことで命を尊び、互いに平和に生きることを学ぶだろう。(南ア)
10) 九条を変え巨大な軍事力をもつことは、日本国民にも再び大変な惨禍をもたら
Copywrite Mrs. KIMURA Yuko 木村 宥子
In response to this question came many replies from both Japan and abroad, which I compiled into 11 statements, in two major groups.
For revision of Article 9
1)Article 9 has brought peace and prosperity to us for the last 60 years. However, today’s world situation suggests that we could become involved in global annihilation. Therefore, perhaps we should prepare for such a crisis by altering Japan’s current legal system. [Jpn.―Self-Defense Force official]
Against revision of Article 9
1)The value of Article 9 has been to stop the return of Japanese militarism. [Jap.]
2) Article 9 has offered reassurance to the countries of Asia and Oceania. [Jpn., Indon.]
3 ) Article 9 has proved that not to spend much on the military leads the country to prosperity. [Jpn.]
4) Article 9 has served as a beacon of hope for a society in which even the weak can live happily. [Am., Jpn.] 5 ) Increases in the military budget threaten our civil rights. [Am., Jpn.]
6 ) If we did not have Article 9, but had conscription, our children would have been sent to battlefields. [Jpn.]
7) NGOs and the Self-Defense Forces were generally welcomed in developing countries. They were able to accomplish their missions because of our constitution that decrees no war. [Jpn.]
8) The trust of the rest of the world will be lost if we revise our constitution in order to participate in any illegal war that might be started by the United States. [Jpn.]
9) By following Article 9, the people of the world can learn to respect life and live together peacefully.[S.Afr.]
10) To revise our constitution and own powerful armaments will bring awful disaster again to the Japanese. [Jpn.]
Author’s nationalities appear in brackets.
Copywrite Mrs. KIMURA Yuko 木村 宥子